13 Nov

When enhanced mailing needs are required people prefer choosing only a centralized and specific mail providing platform which can effectively enable secured mail exchange and this is easy with gmail. Gmail that specifically serve for mailing purposes is widely preferred worldwide. It is common gateway for secured mail exchange and this is because of the secured mail exchange that it enables. One of the common reasons that have made gmail an integral mail platform for many is that it is available as user friendly platform where user can exchange mails without many issues but in case there is any issue they may obtain easy help from Gmail support number UK anytime.  

Gmail customer service number 

It is no wrong to say that gmail is user’s platform and to provide them just the best it provides so many features for its users. It is great knowing them and using them. 

Some of the hidden features of gmail that are still not known and hidden from many users are as below:

  • The spam hiding capability – Gmail let you add an automatic filter which can automatically track spam mails and send them to another place and not in inbox.

  • Easy identification of subscription mail – It can identify those mails send as newsletter subscription and block them on your instruction.

  • Synchronization of contacts in gmail – Gmail let you backup your contacts and manage it wisely.

  • Address restore feature – If in case somehow you delete some address by mistake it is possible to restore it for a fixed period of time.

  • Labs – Gmail let you add a preview pane which may also include a chat option for its users.

  • Merging contacts feature – With gmail it is possible to merge similar types of contacts so that it can be easily accessed.

  • Calendar – It is also possible to set task and reminder with the calendar application of gmail.

These features are just those few features which are known and can be wisely used while using gmail for mail exchange. There are many more hidden features that come with gmail account. It is wise to know most of them so that they can be applied for better use of gmail platforms. It is great that all the features available over gmail platform are easy to use but in case if any user still faces any issue using gmail feature they may obtain easy help from Gmail phone number 0800-046-5027

Read also :- Downloading an attachment from Gmail mail

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